Attribute keywords

🚧 Feature proposal 🚧

This is an active proposal for a feature that hasn't been released yet.
It may be revised or removed without notice, and any released version may not match what you see here.

A Rant program has access to certain persistent runtime data, such as the current state of a repeater or the active attribute frame. As these are always present in a program, it would be sensible to treat them as intrinsic variables rather than exposing them only through standard library functions. In the interest of doing this, the following new keywords are proposed:



The @step keyword prints the current step number of the active block, starting at 0.

@rep 10:
@sep ,\s:
    @step + 1

# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10



The @total variable reflects the total number of steps that the active block will take. If the number of steps is infinite, the value will be <>.

@rep 10:
@sep ,\s:
    {@step + 1}\/@total



@rep reflects the current repeater mode stored in the topmost attribute frame.

# Setting @rep with a setter
<@rep = 3> { ... }

# Shortcut
@rep 3: { ... }



@sep reflects the current separator stored in the topmost attribute frame.

# Setting @sep with a setter
<@sep = \s>

# Shortcut
@sep \s: { ... }



@sel reflects the current selector stored in the topmost attribute frame.

<%sync = [mksel: forward]>

# Setting @sel with a setter
<@sel = <sync>> { ... }

# Shortcut
@sel <sync>: { ... }



@mut reflects the current mutator function stored in the topmost attribute frame.

# Setting @mut with a setter
<@mut = [?: el] { @rep 3: {[el]} }> { ... }

# Setting @mut with a function definition
[@mut: el] {
    @rep 3: {[el]}
{ ... }

# Shortcut
@mut [?: el] { @rep 3: {[el]} }: { ... }