
Rant has several built-in arithmetic, logic, and comparison operators.

Throughout this page, the abbreviations RHS (right-hand side) and LHS (left-hand side) will be used to refer to binary operands.

Arithmetic operators


+ (binary infix operator)

Returns the sum of the operands.

2 + 2
# -> 4


- (binary infix operator)

Subtracts RHS from LHS and returns the result.

10 - 1
# -> 9


* (binary infix operator)

Returns the product of the operands.

5 * 5
# -> 25


/ (binary infix operator)

Divides LHS by RHS and returns the result.

48 / 16
# -> 3


% (binary infix operator)

Gets the remainder from dividing LHS by RHS and returns the result.

10 % 4
# -> 2


** (binary infix operator)

Raises LHS to the RHS power and returns the result.

2 ** 16
# -> 65536


@neg (unary prefix operator)

Gets the negated value of the operand and returns the result.

<$x = 123>
@neg <x>
# -> -123

Note: you may also use the minus (-) symbol when negating numbers (e.g. -123).

Logic operators

Logical AND

& (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if both operands are @true. Returns @false if both operands are @false, or if one is @true and the other @false.

More generally: returns RHS if both LHS and RHS are truthy; otherwise, returns the first falsy value.

This operator is short-circuiting: if LHS is falsy, RHS will not be evaluated.

# Logical AND using booleans
@true & @true    # -> @true
@true & @false   # -> @false
@false & @true   # -> @false
@false & @false  # -> @false

# Logical AND using truthiness
2 & 1            # -> 1
1 & 2            # -> 2
1 & 0            # -> 0
0 & 2            # -> 0
0 & <>           # -> 0
<> & 0           # -> <>

Logical OR

| (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if one or both operands are @true. Returns @false if both operands are @false.

More generally: returns LHS if LHS is truthy; otherwise, returns RHS.

This operator is short-circuiting: if LHS is truthy, RHS will not be evaluated.

# Logical OR using booleans
@true | @true     # -> @true
@true | @false    # -> @true
@false | @true    # -> @true
@false | @false   # -> @false

# Logical OR using truthiness
2 | 1             # -> 2
1 | 2             # -> 1
1 | 0             # -> 1
0 | 2             # -> 2
0 | <>            # -> <>
<> | 0            # -> 0

Syntax note

In a block context, | will be treated as an element separator. To use it as an OR operator, enclose your expression in parentheses first.

foo | bar         # Logical OR
{foo | bar}       # Separates two block elements
{(foo | bar)}     # Logical OR

Logical NOT

@not (unary prefix operator)

Returns @false if the operand is truthy; otherwise, returns @true.

# Logical NOT using booleans
@not @true  # -> @false
@not @false # -> @true

# Logical NOT using truthiness
@not 1      # -> @false
@not 0      # -> @true

Logical XOR

^ (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if exactly one of the two operands is truthy; otherwise, returns @false.

# Logical XOR using booleans
@true ^ @true    # -> @true
@true ^ @false   # -> @true
@false ^ @true   # -> @true
@false ^ @false  # -> @false

# Logical XOR using truthiness
2 ^ 1            # -> @false
1 ^ 2            # -> @false
1 ^ 0            # -> @true
0 ^ 2            # -> @true
0 ^ <>           # -> @false
<> ^ 0           # -> @false

Comparison operators


@eq (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is equal to RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @eq 1     # -> @true
1 @eq 1.0   # -> @true
0 @eq 1     # -> @false
1 @eq "1"   # -> @false


@neq (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is not equal to RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @neq 1    # -> @false
1 @neq 1.0  # -> @false
0 @neq 1    # -> @true
1 @neq "1"  # -> @true

Greater than

@gt (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is greater than RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @gt 1     # -> @false
1 @gt 2     # -> @false
2 @gt 1     # -> @true

Less than

@lt (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is less than RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @gt 1     # -> @false
1 @gt 2     # -> @true
2 @gt 1     # -> @false

Greater than or equal

@ge (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is greater than or equal to RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @gt 1     # -> @true
1 @gt 2     # -> @false
2 @gt 1     # -> @true

Less than or equal

@le (binary infix operator)

Returns @true if LHS is less than or equal to RHS; otherwise, returns @false.

1 @gt 1     # -> @true
1 @gt 2     # -> @true
2 @gt 1     # -> @false


Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with lower precedence. The table below lists operator sets in order of descending precedence. Operators in the same row have the same precedence.

@not, @negPrefix
*, /, %Multiplicative
+, -Additive
@lt, @le, @gt, @geRelational
@eq, @neqEquality
^Logical XOR