List of compiler messages

All messages (errors, warnings, etc) returned by the Rant compiler include a code that identifies the nature of the message. For convenience, this page lists all currently used compiler message codes and what they mean.

These may be out of date, as compiler message codes are currently being frequently added/moved.

R0000 (unexpected token)


A token was encountered by the compiler that it doesn't know what to do with. The token in question is probably either:

  • reserved for a specific purpose and can't be treated like text (e.g. a right brace outside with no matching left brace)
  • not allowed in the current context (e.g. a semicolon after a function name)

R0001 (expected token)


A token was expected at a certain point in the code, but was missing.

R0002 (unclosed block)


An unclosed block was found. The block has a left brace ({) but no closing right brace (}).

R0003 (unclosed function call)


An unclosed function call was found. The function call has a left bracket ([) but no closing right bracket (]).

R0004 (unclosed function signature)


An unclosed function signature was found. The signature has a left bracket ([) but no closing right bracket (]).

R0005 (unclosed accessor)


An unclosed accessor was found. The accessor has a left angle bracket (<) but no closing right angle bracket (>).

R0006 (unclosed string literal)


An unclosed string literal was found. The literal has an opening quotation mark but was not terminated.

R0007 (unclosed list expression)


An unclosed list expression was found. The expression has an opening parenthesis (() but no closing parenthesis ()).

R0008 (unclosed map expression)


An unclosed map expression was found. The expression has an opening parenthesis (() but no closing parenthesis ()).

R0021 (invalid parameter order)


A function signature was found with parameters in an unsupported varity order. This usually means that you tried to add required parameters after a variadic or optional parameter.

The expected ordering is:

  1. required parameters
  2. optional parameters
  3. variadic parameter

R0022 (missing function body)


A function definition was found that has a signature but no body.

R0023 (unclosed function body)


A function body was found that has an opening brace ({) but no closing brace (}).

R0024 (invalid parameter)


A function signature contains a parameter with an invalid name.

R0025 (duplicate parameter)


A function parameter was found with a name matching a previous parameter in the same signature.

R0026 (multiple variadic parameters)


Multiple variadic parameters were found on the same function signature. Functions may only have at most one variadic parameter.

R0040 (dynamic key with multiple elements)


A dynamic key block was found with multiple elements. Dynamic keys may only contain a single element.

R0041 (function body with multiple elements)


A function body block was found with multiple elements. Function bodies may only contain a single element.

R0060 (anonymous value assignment)


A setter was found attempting to set a value on an anonymous expression.

R0061 (missing identifier)


An accessor was found that has no identifier.

R0062 (invalid identifier)


An accessor with an invalid identifier was found.

R0063 (accessor starts with index)


An accessor was found that has an index for the first part of the path. An accessor path may only start with a variable name or anonymous value expression.

R0064 (accessor starts with slice)


An accessor was found that has a slice for the first part of the path. An accessor path may only start with a variable name or anonymous value expression.

R0065 (invalid slice bound)


A slice expression was found that includes an invalid bound value.

R0066 (nothing to pipe)


A function call chain attempted to reference a piped value in the first call.

R0067 (fallible optional parameter access)


A accessor references an optional parameter, but the parameter has no fallback expression and the accessor in question provides no fallback. Safe access cannot be guaranteed.

R0100 (constant reassignment)


A setter attempted to reassign a constant.

R0101 (constant redefinition)


A definition attempted to redefine a constant in the same scope.

R0130 (invalid sink)


A sink operator was found before an expression unit that does not support sinking.

R0131 (invalid hint)


A hint operator was found before an expression unit that does not support hinting.

R0200 (invalid keyword)


A @keyword not recognized by the compiler was found.

R0201 (weight not allowed)


A @weight expression was found in a context where it is not allowed.

R1000 (unused variable)


A variable was defined but not referenced by its containing scope.

R1002 (unused parameter)


A parameter defined by a function was not referenced by its body.

R1003 (unused function)


A function was defined but never called within its containing scope.

R1004 (empty function body)


A function was defined with an empty body (i.e. it doesn't do anything).

R1005 (nested function definition was marked constant)


A function defined inside of a collection was marked as constant; this is not supported and the function will be mutable.

R2100 (file not found)


A file requested by the compiler could not be found.

R2101 (filesystem error)


A filesystem error (e.g. permission error, file in use, ...) occurred while the compiler was trying to access a file. The message description will specify the exact nature of the error.