
The @text keyword is used for auto-hinting.

Auto-hinting can be applied to variable definitions, function parameters, and named function bodies to indicate that their output should be automatically hinted by the compiler. This feature eliminates the need to apply hints to every occurrence of a value that you know should always be hinted.

Auto-hinting a variable

To auto-hint a variable, add @text at the start of the definition.

<@text $first-name = John>
<@text $last-name = Smith>

<first-name> <last-name>

This prints John Smith. Without auto-hinting, the output would be JohnSmith.

Auto-hinting a function

To auto-hint a (named) function, add @text between the signature and body of its definition.

[$adjective] @text {

Have a [adjective] day!

This prints either Have a blessed day! or Have a cursed day!.

Without auto-hinting, it would print either Have ablessedday! or Have acursedday!.

Auto-hinting behavior in piped calls

A piped function call will only become auto-hinted if the last function in the chain is auto-hinted.

Auto-hinting a parameter

To auto-hint a parameter, add @text before the parameter name.

[$full-name: @text first; @text last] {
    <first> <last>

[full-name: Robin; Pederson]

This prints Robin Pederson. Without auto-hinting, it would print RobinPederson.


Auto-hinting can be overridden on an element by sinking it.